Doctor of Pharmacy Student Government

Be the voice of your student body.

Run for Office

Doctor of Pharmacy Student Government provides a unique opportunity to develop your leadership skills and enhance your legacy at Temple's School of Pharmacy.

Student government members liaise between the class members, faculty, and administration. They are leaders working to bolster class morale, seek class feedback, and promote connection.

    In your first and second years, you will be invited to to run in elections at the end of September. You can nominate yourself and others by submitting a petition with 25 signatures from your class members. Positions of elected officials roll over year to year with no election in the third and fourth years, unless necessary due to vacant position(s).

    Students on academic probation are prohibited from holding office.


    • attending meetings with faculty and administration as needed to resolve and present class concerns and feedback
    • attending monthly meeting of all years' class officers and have meetings as need with your respective year's officers
    • participating in planning of school functions such as the Holiday Party and Welcome Back Celebration and organizing class- specific socials, community service efforts, and fundraisers
    • opening and maintaining a class bank account
    • raising money for the class gift, class programs, and other initiatives selected by the class
    • liaising with the Alumni Association, a specific function of the student representative position


    • Maintain contact with individual faculty members and administration on behalf of the class
    • Maintain contact with Student Services on behalf of the class
    • Plan class social functions in conjunction with the Vice-President

    Vice President

    • Work alongside President to communicate with faculty, administration, and Student Services
    • Fill in for President when needed.
    • Plan class social functions in conjunction with the President
    • Be responsible for any end of semester/year class awards and acknowledgements to faculty and staff on behalf of the class


    • Take meeting minutes during class officer meetings and share those with Student Services and the Faculty Class Advisor 
    • Plan class fundraising and charity initiatives in conjunction with the Treasurer*
    • Communicate with class about class functions, school announcements, and mandatory items
      • for example, send reminders to check emails related to important items and general check-ins about completing tasks or partaking in programs

           *Dependent upon level of interest, Secretary and Treasurer position may be combined.


    • Maintains all accounts and books
      • First-year treasurer is responsible for opening class bank account with Faculty Class Advisor
    • Present ideas for how to make money for the class and solicit feedback from the class for final decision making
    • Execute final decisions about how money is spent and on what based on class consensus
    • Plan class fundraising and charity initiatives in conjunction with the Secretary

    Student Council Representative

    • Attend three out of four of Alumni Association Meetings per year
      • Given each class has two representatives, this is a combined effort for “the class” to attend at least three out of four meetings, rather than each representative attending them.
      • When at meetings, it is expected the Student Representatives report out, contribute to dialogue, and participate on committees as appropriate.
    • Be actively involved with planning two-four events alongside the Alumni Association which involve students and the Alumni Association, including emailing, planning meetings, contributing to ideas, and executing tasks

    Faculty Class Advisor

    Each Class has a faculty advisor. This individual should serve as a point of contact to discuss concerns, share feedback, and support class initiatives. Your faculty advisor can be a great first point of contact for guidance on how to approach situations and make financial decisions. They will aid in opening the class bank account along with the Treasurer.