Joye Ann Billow ’66 Faculty Development Fund
Established in 2014 by a bequest from Joye Ann Billow PHM ’66, ’72, to provide an endowment to support School of Pharmacy faculty as directed by the Dean of the School.
Joye Ann Billow ’66 Faculty Development Fund
Established in 2014 by a bequest from Joye Ann Billow PHM ’66, ’72, to provide an endowment to support School of Pharmacy faculty as directed by the Dean of the School.
Charles A. Bright Fund
Established in 1977 by a bequest from Charles A. Bright to support the School of Pharmacy in such manner as its Board of Trustees deems proper.
Richard J. Bryan ’70 Matching Gift Challenge Fund
In 2020, Richard J. Bryan, PHM ’70, pledged to support the creation and expansion of endowed funds at the School of Pharmacy through 2025. Richard's incredible generosity will be used to build the school's endowments, providing a match of $25,000 for all new pledges and gifts of at least $25,000 that create a new endowed fund or that fund an existing endowment at the School of Pharmacy.
Fred B. Gable ’51 Endowed Cultural Fund
Established in 2012 by TUSP Alumni and Friends of Fred Gable, PHM ’51, to permanently endow a fund at the School of Pharmacy in honor of the former Assistant Dean of Admissions and a champion of the arts who initiated the School's art collection when he prompted the Class of 1968 to donate the first painting to the School in memory of a classmate who had passed away.
Rosine and Maurice Bender ’44 Lecture
Established in 2020 by a bequest from the estate of Rosine and Maurice Bender, PHM ’44, this lecture award was inspired by Rosine’s mother Anna Teller, a pharmacist who owned a pharmacy in Philadelphia. The theme of this annual lecture is Women in Pharmacy: Transformational Journeys.
Joseph B. Sprowls Endowment Fund
Established in 1988 by the Pharmacy Alumni Association in memory of Joseph B. Sprowls, Ph.D., dean of the School of Pharmacy from 1950 to 1967, to provide for an annual lecture by an outstanding individual who has achieved recognition within pharmacy.
Frank and Rachael Zammarelli Lecture Fund
Established in 2011 by Amelia Z. Batastini, PHM ’59, to provide an endowment for an annual lecture at the School of Pharmacy, in loving memory of her parents.
Magid Abou-Gharbia Award Fund
Established in 2010 by Magid Abou-Gharbia to provide an annual award to the Valedictorian of the School of Pharmacy.
Andriolas Award Endowed Fund
This fund was established in 2019 by Irene and Peter Doukas, PHM ’70, in memory of Nick and Thespina Andriolas (Anarow). This award, presented annually at the school's graduation ceremony, is in recognition of a student whose skills, resourcefulness, and decisive actions greatly affected the treatment of a patient.
William H. Briner Memorial Award Fund
Established in 2000 by Jayne Haines, PHM ’54, and Elizabeth Briner in memory of Captain William H. Briner, PHM ’54, to provide for an award to an outstanding student in the School of Pharmacy.
The Distinguished Pharmacist Practitioner Award
Established in 2005; it is an annual recognition alumni award for outstanding contributions in community/hospital/clinical pharmacy.
Samuel Elkin Memorial Award Fund
Established in 2002 by Selma Elkin in memory of Samuel Elkin, PHM ’42, to provide for an annual award to recognize and reward fourth-year professional pharmacy students who have achieved academic excellence.
Dr. Theodore S. Kallelis Memorial Award Fund
Established in 2002 by Sophia Kallelis in memory of Theodore Kallelis, PHM ’54, to provide an annual award to an outstanding graduate student in the School of Pharmacy.
Eileen Lichtenstein Student Development Fund
In 2017, the School of Pharmacy Class of 2017 along with other alumni and friends of Eileen created a student development fund in honor of her retirement. Donations earmarked for this fund support student travel to pharmacy national and regional conferences.
Mollie Nichols Ostrow Memorial Fund
Established in 1977 by Mr. and Mrs. Jacob, PHM ’49, Ostrow and others in memory of Mollie Nichols Ostrow, PHM ’09, to provide for an award to an outstanding graduating student in the School of Pharmacy with preference given to women.
Isadore Ostrum Fund
Established in 1985 by the daughters of Isadore Ostrum, PHM ’22. This award recognizes and rewards academic excellence in an outstanding graduating senior.
Marvin Samson Endowed Travel Fund
Established in 2023 by Marvin Samson to provide travel stipends for School of Pharmacy students who have demonstrated academic achievement and financial need.
John ’68 and Anita Stevens Phi Delta Chi Endowed Award Fund
This fund was established in 2021 by John S. Stevens, Jr., PHM ’68 and Anita M. Stevens. The purpose of the fund is to provide an annual award to fourth-year students who are enrolled in the school. Preference shall be given to students who are members in good standing and nominated by the faculty advisor of the Phi Delta Chi School of Pharmacy fraternity.
The Student Health Care Professional Award
Established in 2005, it is awarded to a third-year student in recognition of academic achievements and leadership qualities.
Richard and Joyce Swope Endowed Fund
Established in 2016 by Joyce and Dick Swope, PHM ’55, to provide financial assistance for students enrolled in the School of Pharmacy who are presenting research posters at national pharmacy conferences.
TUSP Student Emergency Endowed Fund
This fund was established in 2021 by Dean Jayanth Panyam and his wife Professor Swayam Prabha in honor of their parents, Kumar and Saroja Panyam and Jainarain and Reena Aggrawal, to permanently endow a fund at the School of Pharmacy to assist students who are experiencing an unforeseen financial emergency.
Cynthia and Martin Van Trieste Endowment
This fund was established in 2020 by Cynthia and Martin Van Trieste, PHM ’83 to provide financial support to students enrolled in the School of Pharmacy who are presenting at national and regional pharmacy conferences. The fund shall be used to assist students with travel expenses.
Dr. Ronald F. Gautieri Memorial Fund
Established in 1996 in memory of Dr. Ronald F. Gautieri, PHM ’57, CLA ’60, former faculty member, to support graduate research projects in the School of Pharmacy.
Leon O. and Sharon L. Moulder Endowed Fund
Established in 2014 by Lonnie, PHM ’80, and Sharon, PHM ’80, Moulder. The purpose of the fund is to support the Moulder Center for Drug Discovery Research in the School of Pharmacy by funding expenses in the form of research personnel salaries, equipment and supply purchases, and other costs associated with a program in drug discovery that is based on the principles of medicinal chemistry, drug design, biological screening, and structure activity analyses.
Arnoff Endowed Scholarship Fund
Established in 2004 by Lawrence, CLA ’65, ’67, and Judith, PHM ’68, SBM ’82, Arnoff to provide scholarships for incoming or current School of Pharmacy students who exhibit academic excellence.
Henry Barvinski Memorial Scholarship
Established in 2009 through a bequest from Paul Reid Irwin, PHM ’43, in memory of his classmate Henry Barvinski, PHM ’44, who was killed in action near Iwo Jima on March 26, 1944, serving as a Pharmacist Mate 3/C with the Navy. This scholarship is to be used for a student at Temple University School of Pharmacy; the recipient shall not have any other aid, with preference to a member of Kappa Psi fraternity.
Jean M. (Abate) Berenato Endowed Scholarship Fund
Established in 2017 by Dr. Francis J. Berenato Jr., PHM '82, in loving memory of his mother Jean. The purpose of the fund is to provide financial support to academically qualified students with demonstrated financial need enrolled in the School of Pharmacy.
Joye Ann Billow Scholarship Fund
Established in 2008 by Joye Ann Billow, PHM ’66, ’72, in memory of her parents, Mary D. and Schuyler E. Billow, to provide scholarships to third and fourth professional year students who are active in a minimum of one professional student organization.
Aaron and Julia Brenner Fund
Established in 1992 by Bernard Brenner, PHM ’51, in memory of his aunt and uncle to provide scholarships for School of Pharmacy students with financial need.
Bernard and Edith Brenner Scholarship Fund
Established in 2002 by the family of Bernard Brenner, PHM ’51, to support School of Pharmacy students who have attained academic excellence.
The Richard Bryan Endowed Scholarship Fund
Established in 2015 by Richard Bryan, PHM ’70, to provide scholarships for students enrolled in the School of Pharmacy who are fluent in Spanish and have experience living or working in communities underrepresented in the profession of pharmacy.
Harvey Burman, PHR '59 PREP Pathways Scholarship Fund
Established in 2021 by Steven Burman to provide scholarships to students who are enrolled in the School of Pharmacy’s Pharm. D. program. Preference shall be given to students who are underrepresented in academia/research, have demonstrated leadership ability and a commitment to serving medically underserved communities.
Randall Chapman, Class of 1973, Endowed Scholarship Fund
Established in 2015 by Randall Chapman, PHM ’73, to provide scholarships for students in the School of Pharmacy who have completed their third professional year, who are ranked within the 40th to 60th percentile of the class by grade point average and who have financial need.
James and Erin Kearney Cirillo Family Scholarship Fund
Established in 2011 by James Cirillo, PHM ’95 and his wife Erin Kearney Cirillo PHM ’94, to provide scholarships for Third Professional Year students who show a desire to enter the practice of independent pharmacy.
Rachel Clark Scholarship
This fund was established in 2020 by a bequest from Rachel Clark, PHM ’95. Rachel served as a faculty member of Pharmacy Practice for many years. This scholarship will aid third and fourth students who have financial need, are in good academic standing, and demonstrate strong patient advocacy, an attribute that Rachel tirelessly exhibited during her career.
Bernard Cohen ’54 Endowed Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 2020 by the Bernard Cohen Living Trust and Bernard's daughter Celeste Cohen in loving memory of her father to provide scholarships to School of Pharmacy students as selected by the school's dean.
Hedy G. Cohen, RN, MS Endowed Scholarship Fund
Established in 2017 by Michael R. Cohen, PHM ’68, ’84, in honor of his wife Hedy, who spoke often on current issues in medication safety as a nurse with the Institute for Safe Medication Practices. She has also authored multiple articles on improving the medication use process. The fund will provide scholarships for students enrolled in the School of Pharmacy who have financial need and who are in the medication safety track or a related field of study.
Delaware Pharmaceutical Society Auxiliary Scholarship Fund
Established in 2001 by the Delaware Pharmaceutical Society Auxiliary to provide scholarships to School of Pharmacy students with preference given to students who are residents of Delaware.
The Peter Doukas Endowed Scholarship Fund
Established in 2015 by the Temple University School of Pharmacy Alumni Association Board of Directors in honor of Dean Peter Doukas' 50 years of service, 25 years as Dean, to the School of Pharmacy. This scholarship will provide assistance to students who have financial need, are in good academic standing, and are residents of the states of Pennsylvania or New York.
Joseph and Cindi Dymowski Family Scholarship Fund
Established in 2010 by Joseph Dymowski, PHM ’03 and his wife Cindi, in memory of Cindi's grandfather Dominick G. Cancellarich to provide scholarships for Fourth Professional Year students who show a desire to enter the practice of independent pharmacy.
The Excellence in Independent Pharmacy Practice Scholarship Fund
Established in 2011 by Gerald Ganse, PHM ’72 and his wife Suzanne to provide scholarships to students in their third or fourth professional year who are pursuing a career in independent pharmacy practice in the South Central Pennsylvania area and who have financial need.
Food and Drug Administration Alumni Association Centennial Scholarship Fund
Established in 2006 by the Food and Drug Administration Alumni Association, Inc. to provide scholarships for students enrolled or planning to enroll in the School of Pharmacy’s graduate program in Quality Assurance/Regulatory Affairs.
Ronald Gautieri Memorial Fund
Established in 1995 in memory of Dr. Ronald F. Gautieri, PHM ’57, CLA ’60, a much-loved scholar, faculty member and director of graduate education, to assist School of Pharmacy graduate students in research.
Jacob M. Gelenberg (PHR ’25) Scholarship Fund
Established in 1990 by Mae Gelenberg, in memory of Jacob M. Gelenberg, PHM ’25, to provide scholarships for School of Pharmacy students who have demonstrated academic achievement and financial need.
Lynne and Grady Grant Endowed Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 2021 by Grady Grant, III, PHM ’80, and his wife Lynne to provide scholarships to students at the School of Pharmacy as selected by the dean or his/her designee.
Howard S. Greenberg Scholarship Fund
Established in 1994 by family, friends and employees of Howard Greenberg, PHM ’47, to provide scholarships for School of Pharmacy students who demonstrate academic achievement and financial need.
Hoang and Tang Family Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 2021 by Minh Hoang, PHM ’03 in memory of his loving father, Thu Hoang who devoted his life raising his children, nurturing family tradition, and supporting lifelong education and endeavor in self-learning. The award can be used for tuition, fees, books, or other associated costs. Students with a GPA of 3.2 or higher and demonstrate leadership qualities and a commitment to pharmaceuticals and/or patient care are eligible to apply for this term scholarship.
Institute for Safe Medication Practices Endowed Scholarship Fund
Established in 2010 by Michael R. Cohen, PHM ’68, ’84, to provide scholarships for students enrolled in the School of Pharmacy who have financial need and who are in the medication safety track or a related field of study.
Ralph J. Ippoliti Memorial Scholarship Fund
Established in 1995 in memory of Ralph Ippoliti, PHM ’66, a well-respected leader in the pharmacy profession, to provide scholarships for first-year School of Pharmacy students with financial need.
The Kallelis Graduate Student Endowed Fund
Established in 2011 by a bequest from Sophia Kalellis, wife of the late Dr. Theodore Kallelis, PHM ’54. Dr. Kallelis served as Professor of Pharmacognosy at TUSP for two decades. The endowed fund is designated for the support of outstanding TUSP graduate students in his memory.
Yogi Kao Scholarship
Established in 2024 by Yogi Kao, PHM ’14 to provide a renewable scholarship to an incoming student who is enrolled in the School of Pharmacy.
Jacob H. Katz Memorial Scholarship Fund
Established in 1986 by friends and family of Jacob H. Katz to provide scholarships to School of Pharmacy students.
Dr. Stanley F. Kulaga, Endowed Scholarship Fund
Established in 2015 from the Estate of Stanley F. Kulaga Jr., PHM ’60, to provide a permanent source of funds for scholarships to students enrolled in the Temple University School of Pharmacy who are not receiving any financial aid, with preference to students who are from Pennsylvania.
Dr. Charles S. Kumkumian Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 2021 by Gregory K. Kumkumian and Roxanne Schweitzer in memory of Dr. Charles S. Kumkumian, PHM ’44, ’51, to provide an annual scholarship to students enrolled in the School with a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Paige Lebo Memorial Scholarship Fund
Established in 2017 by Dr. David Lebo in loving memory of his wife Paige. The purpose of the Paige Lebo Memorial Scholarship Fund is to provide financial support to academically qualified students with demonstrated financial need enrolled in the School of Pharmacy who are currently employed as Pharmacy Technicians.
Mackowiak - De Cusatis Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 2020 by Elaine D. Mackowiak, PHM ’62, ’65, to provide annual scholarships to students with demonstrated financial need who are enrolled in the school. Preference shall be given to third and fourth year students who are members of the Lambda Kappa Sigma professional student organization.
Maddula Family Scholarship Fund
Established in 2022 by Sam Maddula to provide scholarships to students who are enrolled in the Pharm.D. Program. Preference will be given to highly motivated students who have demonstrated leadership qualities and a commitment to serving medically underserved communities and are themselves from environmentally or economically disadvantaged backgrounds.
David E. Mann, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
Established in 2003 by Scott Mann, in memory of his father, who inspired countless students while teaching in the School of Pharmacy, to provide scholarships for academically talented incoming pharmacy students.
Edward G. McGinley ’77 Endowed Scholarship
Established in 2025 by Edward G. McGinley, PHM ’77, to provide a renewable scholarship to a deserving student who is enrolled in the School of Pharmacy. A deserving student for the purposes of this Fund is defined as one who is maintaining “satisfactory” academic achievement in their studies. Preference shall be given to a student who is actively employed while attending the University.
The George Melnik Scholarship Fund
Established in 2017 by George Melnik, PHM ’78, to provide scholarships for PY4 students in the School of Pharmacy who have minimum GPAs of 3.0 and who are interested in pursuing employment in either an academic or clinical practice setting.
The Dr. John R. Minehart Memorial and Maupay Family Scholarship Fund
Established in 2011 by Walter R. Maupay Jr. PHM '61, to provide scholarships to students who are current members of the School of Pharmacy's Kappa Psi fraternity. Recipients will have successfully completed their 2nd Professional Year and be deemed Most Likely to Improve.
Moulder Family Scholarship Fund
Established in 2009 by Lonnie, PHM ’80, and Sharon, PHM ’80, Moulder to provide scholarships to students who demonstrate academic achievement, have financial need, and are active in at least two professional and/or student run organizations as an officer, committee chair, or other notable activity.
Carl J. Naden Memorial Scholarship Fund
Established in 2014 by a bequest from Dr. Carl J. Naden, PHR ’53, to provide support to qualified doctor of pharmacy students, assisting perpetuity high achieving students who have an economic need.
Oncology Specialty 3rd Year Endowed Scholarship
Established in 2024 by Deborah and Robert Schueren, PHM ’85, to provide a scholarship that will be awarded to a student who meets specific economic needs and is specializing in oncology studies.
Isadore Ostrum Scholarship Fund
Established in 1985 by the daughters of Isadore Ostrum, PHM ’22, to provide scholarships for outstanding students in the School of Pharmacy who have made extracurricular contributions to the school.
Robert Peyakovich Endowed Scholarship Fund
Established in 1998 by friends and co-workers of Robert Peyakovich, PHM ’61, in honor of his retirement to provide scholarships for School of Pharmacy students who have demonstrated academic achievement and financial need.
PHAR-MOR, Inc. Scholarship Fund
Established in 1990 by PHAR-MOR, Inc. to provide scholarships for School of Pharmacy students who have demonstrated academic achievement and financial need.
Renzulli Family Scholarship Fund
Establish in 2009 by Michael H. Renzulli, PHM ’63 and the MHR Family Foundation to provide scholarships for third and fourth year students enrolled in the School of Pharmacy who have exhibited leadership and good academic standing who have financial need.
Glenn C. Rodgers (PHR ’51) Scholarship Fund
Established in 1998 in honor of her son Glenn Rogers, PHM ’51, by the estate Mabel M. Rodgers to provide scholarships for fourth- or fifth-year School of Pharmacy students who have demonstrated academic achievement and financial need with preference to those from northwestern Pennsylvania.
Edith A. Rosato Scholarship Fund
Established in 2010 by Edith Rosato, PHM ’82, to provide scholarships to Temple University School of Pharmacy students in their third or fourth professional year who are pursuing a career in community pharmacy practice, have financial need, and demonstrate the ideals of servant leadership through participation in patient care activities.
Albert and Marie Rosenblatt Scholarship
This fund was established in 2025 by Elaine D. Mackowiak, PHM ’62, ’65, to provide annual scholarships to students with demonstrated financial need who are enrolled in the school. Preference shall be given to third and fourth year students who are members of the Lambda Kappa Sigma professional student organization.
Marvin Samson Endowed Scholarship Fund
Established in 1998 by Marvin Samson to provide scholarships for School of Pharmacy students who have demonstrated academic achievement and financial need.
School of Pharmacy Alumni Association Professional Development Fund
Established in 2014 by the Alumni Association Board of Directors to provide stipends for travel to regional and national pharmacy-based conferences.
School of Pharmacy Alumni Association Scholarship Fund
Established in 2008 by the Alumni Association Board of Directors to provide scholarships for School of Pharmacy students.
The School of Pharmacy Class of 1985 Endowed Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 2021, initiated by Deborah and Robert Schueren, PHM ’85. The purpose of the fund is to provide scholarships to students who are enrolled in the school with financial need.
School of Pharmacy Class of 1983 Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 2021, by Cynthia and Martin VanTrieste, PHM ’83. The purpose of the fund is to provide scholarships to students who are enrolled in the school with financial need.
School of Pharmacy Scholarship Fund
The funds in this scholarship can be used at the dean’s discretion to support students with financial need in completing their degree program.
Shpigel Family Scholarship Fund
Established in 2011 by Joel Shpigel, PHM ’76, and his wife, Toby to provide scholarships to students in their third or fourth professional year who are pursuing a career in independent pharmacy practice in the Delaware Valley area and who have financial need.
Wayne Stephens Memorial Scholarship Fund
Established in 2007 by family and friends of Wayne Stephens, PHM ’69, to provide scholarships for students enrolled at the School of Pharmacy with preference to those from northeastern Pennsylvania.
Temple University School of Pharmacy Parent Fund
Established in 2012 by Joseph S. Lombardo to provide financial aid to students at the School of Pharmacy.
Dr. Salvatore J. Turco Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 2021 by Michael R. Cohen, PHM ’68, ’84, in memory of his mentor and colleague Dr. Sal Turco. The purpose of the Fund is to provide scholarships to students enrolled at Temple University School of Pharmacy who excel in laboratory settings as a pharmacy parenteral practitioner professional.
The Gerald J. Yakatan Endowed Scholarship Fund
Established in 2016 by Gerald J. Yakatan, PHM ’63, to provide scholarships for students with financial need enrolled in the School of Pharmacy.