Join us for the 2025 Research Recognition Day on Friday, April 25th.


Research Poster Evaluator Registration

Non-Evaluator Guest Registration

Research Recognition Day is our signature annual event in celebration of research done by students, clinicians, and researchers. 

You have the opportunity to explore and evaluate research in clinical pharmacy, translational medicine, drug metabolism, pharmacokinetics, pharmacogenomics, proteomics, formulation development, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, drug delivery, and more. 

Welcome our 2025 Keynote Speaker Don Siegel, PhD, MD, who will be presenting a lecture entitled,  "Innovations in Cellular Therapies for Cancer, Autoimmune Disease and Other Maladies”. Dr. Siegel is a Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine and the Founding Director of the Division of Transfusion Medicine and Therapeutic Pathology, Director of the Clinical Cell and Vaccine Production Facility, and Director of the Fellowship Program in Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine. He has authored more than 100 scientific papers, and holds over 40 patents.

The Temple University School of Pharmacy gratefully acknowledges all the contributors and supporters of Research Recognition Day.