Get inside the brilliant minds of our graduate and postdoctoral trainees at GRADSCAN.


12:00 - 1:00 p.m., Room 260 - Welcome Lunch

1:00 - 2:00 p.m., Room 230 - Introduction by Department Chair Ellen Walker, PhD & Keynote Speech by Kara Spiller, PhD, URBN Professor of Biomedical Innovation, Drexel University School of Biomedical Engineering

2:00 - 4:00 p.m., Room 230 - Research Presentations

2:00 - 2:15 p.m. - Nader Afifi A Multiplex Cellular Model of Niemman-pick Type C Genetic Disease for Live Cell High-content Imaging Drug Discovery

2:15 - 2:30 p.m. - Brandon Shepherd Assessment of Xylazine’s Impact on Fentanyl Withdrawal in Conditioned-place Aversion

2:30 - 2:45 p.m. – Lisa Petersohn Applying Molecular Modeling to Gain Insights Towards the Design of Carbonic Anhydrase IX Selective Inhibitors

2:45 - 3:00 p.m. - Kishore Pathivada Pharmacologic Characterization of Engineered Tissue Plasminogen Activator Derivatives

3:00 - 3:15 p.m. - Coffee Break

3:15 - 3:30 p.m. - Dr. Adil Shareef Mohammed Design and Synthesis of GLT-1 Enhancers for the Treatment of Drug Addiction and Related CNS Disorders

3:30 - 3:45 p.m. - Mohammed Yousuf Predicting Impact of Pgp Transporters on Drug Distribution and Disposition from In-vitro Drug Transport Assays with Modeling and Simulation

3:45 - 4:00 p.m. - Xinyue (Cindy) You Modeling Kinetic Data from In-vitro Propranolol Metabolism Assays

4:00 – 5:00 pm – Roundtable Discussion with Attendees (Room 230)

5:00 – 6:00 pm – Reception (Room 110)